Friday, June 9, 2017

Final Project Check Up

1. The message behind my project is to convince people that Earth is more important than money and power.

2. My design is interactive because you can fold up three separate flaps which reveal a podium, having Earth at the top and money and power underneath it.

3. The color scheme of my project is square.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


The letters forming quiet, going from large to small and clear to faded, helped contribute to the idea of quietness or getting quieter. Also, having the whole design in blue, which is a relaxing color, gives the sense of quietness.

Friday, March 24, 2017


The varying sizes and green colors of the letters contributed to the theme of camouflage in the way that the word blended in with the background. The letters being all over the page and twisting in different directions also mad the letters blend into the image to show the idea of camouflage. Lastly, the letters being empty with only an outline, allowed for the background to show through and made the letters blend in making them camouflaged with the whole image.


The size and broad font I used for the word to construct the bridge helped to get across the idea of stableness and steadiness. Also, putting the white text on a black background helped to show that all the words were connected as one showing that they're one solid object creating a sense of stableness. Lastly, the symmetrical style and the design being centered to the page helped display a sense of stableness.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The large size of the letters along with the bright red tone of the word helped to contribute to the idea of loud. Also having the letters in the middle of the page and going from small to large helped to display the idea of loudness and boldness. Lastly, the contacting color of green compared to the red lettering made the word stand out ad be "loud".

Monday, March 20, 2017

Trees To Columns

I came up with this design when looking at pictures of landscapes on google. Once I saw the image with trees I thought that they looked like columns and that they were very symmetrical, similar to the second image with the actual columns. This similarity led me to putting the images together and having the tree image transform into the image with columns.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Science book cover

2 worlds

The emphasis of this design is the orange and reddish sunset in the upper half of the image. This design relates to my theme of science in the way that these two separate ecosystems have been both deeply studied scientifically and have science involved in the life of the animals and organisms that live in the ecosystems. 

Galaxy design map

The emphasis in this design is the white silohuette of the shark in the bottom left corner. This design relates to my theme of science in the way that the ocean is a very popular scientific topic with many things yet to be discovered about it. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Space Shuttle

The emphasis in this design is the top of the tower highlighted in white, followed by the highlighted part of the space shuttle. This image relates to my theme of science in the way that space shuttles have led to a large amount of our astonomical discoveries. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


The emphasis of this design is the austronaut featured in the middle of the image. This design relates to my theme of science in the way that it shows our presence in space and our discoveries.